past screenings

[2013 June Screening]

Minority Communities and Peoples of Europe and Japan
Okinawa within Japan: NHK documentary film, 1962, 29 min; and The Windmill of the Old Man, YAMADA Seishin and his 150 member-family: NHK documentary film, 1984, 44 min. (In Japanese with summary and interpretation in English.)
11 June 2013, 18:00 – 20:00, Europa House (Map)
Program: PDF download

[2012 October Screening]

Minority Communities and Peoples of Europe and Japan
Vuerîrs de gnot … su lis olmis dai Benandants (Warriors of the night … on the Benandanti’s tracks)
11 October, 2012, 18:00 – 20:00, Europa House (Map)
Program: PDF download

[2012 April Screening]

Minority Communities and Peoples of Europe and Japan
Prologue and Balthazarin koira (Balthazar`s Dog)
Suomi tuli Saamenmaahan (Finland Came to Samiland)
4 April, 2012, 18:00 – 20:00, Europa House (Map)
Program: PDF download