INTERNATIONAL MOTHER LANGUAGE DAY is celebrated on the 21st of February each year to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and to promote multilingualism.

Let’s celebrate it with the wise words from Miyako Island, Okinawa Prefecture, that pay tribute to community bonds, as narrated in the video Hisamitsu Album (*Fujita-Round & Hattori, 2019).

Cherish your close neighbors over your relatives far away.

The video documents traditional customs and language practices on Miyako Islands, including HAARI Festival for the Sea Gods, SHISHIMAI Lion Dance, UGAKI sumo wrestling, HOUGEN FUDA language tags, and more.


*Hisamatsu Album was created as part of the research of a sociolinguist and also a board member of Linguapax Asia, Dr. Sachiyo Fujita-Round with her collaborator video artist, Katsuyuki Hattori.

Their youtube page is as follows:


“Linguistic Diversity, What for?” は、世界中のインターネット接続環境があれば誰でも無料で利用できるオンライン講座です。



リングアパックス アジアは、11月21日(土)13:25~14:55に開催される国際フォーラムに参加し、理事会メンバーの藤田ラウンド幸代が“Transforming Resources Into Webinars and Videos”と題したプレゼンテーションを行います。参加には登録が必要です。ぜひご参加ください。

World Languages in Multilingual Society

Common Values and Challenges for Teaching and Learning

International Christian University (ICU), Tokyo, Japan,

Advance Notice and Call for Papers

Date: Saturday, June 13th, 2020 Time: 8:30AM – 6:30 PM

Description: Tokyo hosts the 2020 Olympics – an event with a message of world peace and friendship through sport. Multilingual people from around the world, sharing various languages, will come to Japan. What common values do we share? What challenges do we face as teachers and learners of Spanish or Korean in Japan, Chinese in Australia, Korean in Malaysia? Why do we teach and learn other languages? How can we raise the awareness, among all stakeholders, about the multilingual society we all share.

Goal: Linguapax Asia ’20 brings together the shared concern of teachers and learners of different languages of the world. Linguapax Asia 20 focuses on what teachers and learners of many different languages share about their experience. Linguapax Asia invites proposals for (a) individual papers and (b) poster sessions in all areas of research in Teaching and Learning languages, Bilingualism, Multilingualism, Language policy, Deaf Sign language, Heritage language, Endangered language, Migration, Family language maintenance. There will be a panel on Multilingualism and a round table on Community Languages in Japan: Japanese Sign Language, Japanese, English and other languages interpretation provided.

Attendance Fee: No Charge

Venue: International Christian University (ICU), Tokyo, Japan

About Linguapax: Linguapax Asia works in partnership with Linguapax International, a nongovernmental organization located in Barcelona, Spain. The Asian associate of Linguapax International, Linguapax Asia carries out the objectives of both Linguapax International and UNESCO’s Linguapax Project with a special focus on Asia and the Pacific Rim. For further information visit our website at

The organizers: The event is organized by Linguapax Asia.

Abstract submission: Please send your proposal for a paper or poster session to Dr. Daniel Quintero Garcia, Program Director at by the deadline, January 17th (Friday), 2020. We welcome original and previously unpublished papers. The language of the conference is English. Papers are assigned 30 minutes plus Q&A. (15 minutes for ‘young scholars’). Abstracts should be sent in English by email attachment (300-350 words, excluding title and references, in Times New Roman, 12 pt.) and include the following: name and affiliation of the author, e-mail address of the first author/convener, title of the paper, abstract. Notifications of acceptance will be sent before March 6 2020. Since the number of presentation slots is limited, selection is competitive.

リングアパックスアジア 2018年


  • バイリンガリズムは、個人の経験を豊かにし、公平さを再興し、そして生涯に亘り我々の生き方と生活を育むものである。
  • バイリンガリズムは、人々を支えるものである。バイリンガルの人たち、話者と手話者、への理解は、社会における言語の機能を研究する関係組織には必要である。
  • バイリンガリズムとバイリンガルの人たち、大人も子どもも、政策と法によって、また、権力と資源によって保護されなければならない。
  • バイリンガリズムは、行動の善悪の基準となる道義的秩序の一部であり、個々人のアイデンティティ、ライフコース、そして人に関わる政治の一部である。
