Call for Papers
Symposium 2018 – Bilingualism Now: the Imperative Issues of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education
Date: Saturday, June 23rd, 2018
Time: 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM
Venue: Tsukuba University, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan
Attendance Fee: No Charge
Description: The main focus of attention in language endangerment is language loss and maintenance. Language revitalization is also the concern of ‘bilingualism.’ A positive and proactive approach to bilingualism helps to organize a society that contains several languages and language communities. How is the concept of bilingualism viewed in societies in Asia and Japan? Have views of bilingualism changed? Is there language awareness about ‘bilingualism’ in schools? Is second/foreign language education in schools viewed as a gateway to personal bilingualism or something else? Do people recognize the various community languages around them? Linguapax Asia invites proposals for (a) individual papers and (b) poster sessions in all areas of research in Bilingualism, Multilingualism, Bilingual education, Language policy, Family bilingualism, Japanese as second language, Deaf Sign language, Heritage language, Mother tongue, Migration, Language and identity, Language loss and maintenance. There will be a panel on Deaf Sign Bilingualism: Japanese Sign Language, Japanese and English interpretation provided.
About Linguapax: Linguapax Asia works in partnership with Linguapax International, a nongovernmental organization located in Barcelona, Spain. The Asian associate of Linguapax International, Linguapax Asia carries out the objectives of both Linguapax International and UNESCO’s Linguapax Project with a special focus on Asia and the Pacific Rim. For further information see our website.
The organizers: The event is organized by the Institute for Comparative Research in Human and Social Sciences (University of Tsukuba), and Linguapax Asia. It is sponsored by the Sign Language Research Center (Kwansei Gakuin University), and is in cooperation with JALT Bilingualism SIG.
Abstract submission: Please send your proposal for a paper or poster session to both Dr. Sachiyo Fujita-Round, Program Director at and Alexandra Shaitan at by the deadline, January 15th, 2018. We welcome original and previously unpublished papers. The language of the conference is English. Papers are assigned 40 minutes. There is combined time for discussion at the end of each session. Abstracts should be sent in English by email attachment (300-350 words, excluding title and references, in Times New Roman, 12 pt.) and include the following: name and affiliation of the author, e-mail address of the first author/convener, title of the paper, abstract. Notifications of acceptance will be sent before March 1 2018. Since the number of presentation slots is limited, selection is competitive.
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